The best moderators typically are seasoned and enthusiastic participants in one or more communities. Moderator bots can prevent or weaken raids too. For example, if one user receives an infraction for using profanity but another does not receive anything for saying the same thing, then it may lead to confusion among other members as well as frustration towards staff members from those who have been punished unfairly. to Get a Discord Moderator Badge *Unconfigurable filters, these will catch all instances of the trigger, regardless of whether theyre spammed or a single instance**Gaius also offers an additional NSFW filter as well as standard image spam filtering***YAGPDB offers link verification via google, anything flagged as unsafe can be removed****Giselle combines Fast Messages and Repeated Text into one filter. In order to become a successful moderator, it is essential to understand the role of a Discord Moderator. You can use Discord's built-in Raid Protection, reporting, and moderation tools or go further by requiring higher levels of verification and reducing basic permissions for new members. How to Become a YouTube Scriptwriter: A Complete Guide. Users may joke about this topic, and mean no real harm. Gaining experience interacting with other users on the platform before attempting any moderating duties to build familiarity with common phrases used on Discord and provide insight into typical user behavior. Being a Discord mod can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Knowing who's running things allows moderators to get support from them whenever needed. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! be a moderator on Discord Tests whether the candidate has what it takes to be an effective moderator in any environment. The multiple-choice section contains 20 questions. There is also no guarantee that people who send a message after clicking to read the verification instructions successfully verified. be a moderator on Discord What does it mean to be a moderator on Discord? You must add bbnoflus#8427 on discord and message them regarding their job listing. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. Being a Discord Moderator is an important job. To apply, fill out the form which includes questions about your experience with moderating, why you think you would make a great addition to their team, and any additional information they may request. Moderators should keep up-to-date with whats going on in the server by staying active in chatrooms and responding promptly when there are issues that require attention. Banned word filters often wont account for context, with an explicit blacklist. These individuals are very salty and mostly annoying. Moderator Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. However, you can reset the bot token if needed. To become a successful discord moderator requires dedication to learning proper practices and implementing them when needed. It can also be beneficial for moderators to set aside time each day to review past messages, check for suspicious activity or comments that could violate policies, and update any necessary settings related to moderation tools like mutes or bans. This reason is recorded in the audit log. It also involves being aware of the rules of each server and taking appropriate action when needed. Share your feeling. Have you been a successful leader or manager before? After youve completed the exam, youll see a success message that says Exam Complete!. WebModeration: Requires the Manage Server permission. I have been on discord since June 24th, 2019 and since These servers should be added to an invite whitelist to prevent their deletion.Anti-RaidRaids, as defined earlier in this article, are mass-joins of users (often selfbots) with the intent of damaging your server. Being a Discord Moderator is an important job. That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. It's also helpful to have some sort of badge or symbol on your profile that indicates that you're applying for the job! Taking these proactive steps will help maintain order on a discord server without compromising its overall atmosphere of acceptance and inclusivity. He has researched, tested, and written hundreds of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps. Once you receive the invitation to become a Discord moderator, it's time to accept the challenge and get started. They must also be able to communicate effectively with users and other moderators, as well as be able to dedicate time to the role. On May 29, 2021, Discord announced the Certified Discord Moderator Badge. How to Get the Discord About Me Feature. For example, racial slurs are generally unacceptable in almost all servers, regardless of context. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or Keep track of activity in channels or topics that may require extra attention from a moderator's perspective and intervene accordingly if needed. You will be responsible for maintaining order in the community and ensuring that all users are playing by the rules. Questions focus on identifying user behavior patterns and maintaining order in chat rooms. Who owns or manages the chat? WebBeing a moderator means more than just being hoisted at the top of the server and having a fancy color. Just an endpoint to send data to, no actual hosting is required. Spamming 10 links in a single message is inherently worse than having 10 emoji in a message.Anti-spam will only act on these things contextually, usually in an X in Y fashion where if a user sends, for example, 10 links in 5 seconds, they will be punished to some degree. Try joining groups specifically dedicated to moderating activity or helping new moderators get up-to-speed on their duties both online and offline if possible! How many members visited and communicated? You can use Discord's built-in Raid Protection, reporting, and moderation tools or go further by requiring higher levels of verification and reducing basic permissions for new members. When set, it allows users to only send one message and create one thread within your designated time interval. Expert moderators face challenges too! Discord These countermeasures stop participants of a raid specifically from harming your server by preventing raiding users from accessing your server in the first place, such as through kicks, bans, or mutes of the users that triggered the detection.Damage prevention stops raiding users from causing any disruption via spam to your server by closing off certain aspects of it either from all new users, or from everyone. WebThe responsibilities of a moderator might vary, but their overall role is to ensure that their Discord server is a safe, healthy environment for everyone. bbnoflus Is looking for a discord Moderators job! Scroll down the page until you reach the curriculum. A medium-sized image in the top right corner of the embed. It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. A Discord raid is a sudden influx of trouble-makers on a server. This reason is recorded in the audit log. With these tips in mind, being a Discord moderator can be both rewarding and enjoyable! To start the exam, click on the Next button. Plus, being certified with the academy opens doors to plenty of opportunities within the community where you can showcase your skills while helping out others along the way. The first part of the curriculum is the Basics. WebDiscord's commitment to a safe and trusted experience Helping your teen stay safe on Discord Talking about online safety with your teen Answering parents' and educators' top questions If your teen encounters an issue Working with CARU to protect users on Discord Located next to the footer. Web1. Once accepted into the program, review all available resources related to moderation duties and work diligently at keeping peace within your assigned communities! Additionally, taking part in their regular exams allows moderators to stay up-to-date on changes or updates to their policies. Showing off your skills and knowledge while still maintaining respectfulness towards everyone around demonstrates maturity and dedication - two traits necessary for any successful discord moderator! What type of content does this Discord server focus on? The perfect combination should include activities, people, topics, management, and structure - all tailored together nicely within a single place. Having expertise in all areas associated with being a Discord moderator will make it easier for potential employers to assess your candidacy during an official Discord moderator application process. They can do things like moderate or delete messages, as well as invite, ban, or suspend people who violate the servers rules. First, make sure your profile reflects the kind of person who would be well-suited for a discord moderator job. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Its strongly, strongly recommended you use a bot that can filter text based on a blacklist. Some bots may also allow by-server white/blacklisting allowing you to control which servers are ok to share invites to, and which arent. This could be anything from a simple Moderator Applicant tag under your name all the way up to creating a custom Discord Moderator Badge if you want something more eye-catching. It involves managing the server and making sure that everything runs smoothly, as well as providing helpful advice to members of your community. Discord Mods must be familiar with the platform and its rules and regulations, and be able to moderate conversations, enforce rules, and resolve conflicts. Having something like this will help set you apart from other applicants and give potential moderators confidence in choosing you for their team. There may also be channels that allow the usage of otherwise banned words. If accepted, they will usually provide details on what roles they expect moderators to take up and any other rules administrators want them to abide by. Moderators must create an environment of mutual respect so that everyone feels comfortable expressing their opinions without fear of being judged or attacked. This can allow a server to remove links with an appropriate reprimand without treating a transgression with the same severity as they would a user sending a racial slur.Whitelisting/Blacklisting and templates for links are also a good idea to have. Hi! In conclusion, becoming a Discord moderator requires dedication and effort. 201: Permissions on Discord Audit Log: Requires the View Audit Log permissions. Mostly used with the thumbnail, icon and author elements in order to link to an image. Moderators are at the forefront of creating spaces where people feel safe and can find belonging. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Different bots will provide various ways to filter these things, keeping your chat nice and clean. This involves actively listening and understanding different perspectives from others in the community. Your answers should be based on the Discord Moderator Academy. be a moderator on Discord bbnoflus#8427; Moderators ; Discord ID: 592798532772298757; How do i contact? The exam answers found in the Discord Moderator Academy are valuable resources for anyone wanting to become a moderator. More Community Moderator Wachsman Remote in Miami, FL Estimated $62K - $78.5K a year to Get a Discord Moderator Badge To narrow down your search and make sure you land in an environment that works well with your expectations, heres what to look out for: Does the server have enough activity? Read up on some tutorials and guides online regarding different discord functions and bots. Administrators are the people who create Discord servers around specific interests. Here is the breakdown: These resources help answer basic questions on how to build and moderate a community, whether they are brand new to Discord or need some helpful reminders. That means that you should act maturely and set a good example for the community. An icon-sized image in the top left corner of the embed, next to the Author element. Discord Moderator The questions will evaluate your moderation skills on Discord. Readers on the announcement channel will increase. Youll also be given opportunities to communicate with the Trust & Safety Team as well as Engineers on Discord. discord moderators Being a Discord Moderator is an important job. The measurement and expected results of each community engagement campaign will vary based on the exact nature of the campaign. The @everyone role should have no permissions, the Verified role should have the permissions you would normally give to @everyone. Time Out FAQ Discord Moderator If youre invited to the community, try not to lurk. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. The most common forms of spam are also very typical of raids, those being Fast Messages and Repeated Text. Join discords related to topics or communities that interest you so you become well versed in using many of the commands available. That includes, but is not limited to, obscene behavior in both your messages and Discord profile: your picture, username, status, and linked socials are globally visible. Discord Passing the Discord Moderator Academy Exam is just one step towards achieving this goal; however, it shows potential employers or members of existing communities that you are serious about keeping conversations respectful and orderly two qualities essential for good moderatorship! *Gaius can apply same blacklist/whitelist to names as messages or only filter based on items in the blacklist tagged %name**YAGPDB can use configured word-list filters OR a regex filter. To be qualified for the Discord Moderator Badge, you need to get at least 10 of the questions correct. Bots are authenticated via a token, compromised token can cause severe damage due to their capabilities if they have permissions granted to them by the server owner. Moreover, staying informed by joining discussion channels or reading articles related to moderation will assist in further expanding your knowledge base and improving upon existing skillsets currently possessed. If you are logging member joins and leaves, you can infer that Discord has taken action against shady accounts if the time difference between the join and the leave times is extremely small (such as between 0-5 seconds). However, you can expect that they will improve some combination of first day activation, user retention, and/or percent communicators within your server. Once youve studied the Discord Moderator Academy, you can take the Discord Moderator Academy Exam. There are a few different ways a username can be abusive and different bots offer different filters to prevent this. WebThe Discord Moderator Academy (DMA) was created to empower those moderators to lead more effectively, manage teams, and learn more about the tools needed to help foster their communities. Verification gates make it harder for people to join in the conversation of your server, but in exchange help protect your community from trolls, spam bots, those unable to read your servers language, or other low intent users. Ultimately, this helps ensure that every member has an enjoyable experience within the Discord server! Questions focus on topics such as conflict resolution and communication techniques. The exam also evaluates your moderation skills. In the community, youll be given opportunities to share feedback with the Discord team. Am I able to follow directions when moderating conversations? It is important to recognize, however, when a threat may not be truly dangerous. This is a subset of Damage Prevention.Raid cleanup commands are typically mass-message removal commands to clean up channels affected by spam as part of a raid, often aliased to Purge or Prune.It should be noted that Discord features built-in raid and user bot detection, which is rather effective at preventing raids as or before they happen. The third section is Advanced Community Management. From here, you can set the verification level of the server and configure the explicit media content filter. Discord Moderator Note-taking software such as Evernote or OneNote to keep track of important information, rules, and reports. To that end, positive specific feedback is one of the best ways to let someone know that they did a good job and what exactly it was that they did well. Cannot hyperlink any text in a normal message, must use an embed. This includes enforcing rules, removing inappropriate content, and helping to resolve conflicts between members. Showcase yourself as someone who is patient, has strong communication skills, and understands how to work with people from different backgrounds or opinions. One method involves gating your server with verification appropriately, as discussed in DMA 301.You can also supplement or supplant the need for verification by using a bot that can detect and/or prevent damage from raids.